
Successful proponents of any artform build their craft on the inspiration provided by others. We cannot fail to be influenced by the work we see and love so much, and whether a conscious decision or not this influence interweaves into our own creations.

So I dedicate this series to those lesser-celebrated artists whose work has provide inspiration to myself and others, deserving of acknowledgement. Some you may know, some not, but hopefully all will provide that little spark and inspire fresh ideas. Which artists have helped stir your creative juices over the years………. and are they aware of it?

This series will expand over time, both as I catch up with those who have influenced in the past as well as future artists I discover offering inspiration.

Be sure to check back regularly, perhaps you too may gain from those that pave a pathway for us all.

Alan Brown

Photographer from Burlington, Vermont, USA

influencers - Pep Ventosa


from Jaded to Rejuvenated