influencers - Gotfried Roemer

The growth of ICM has spawned a world inhabited by a wealth of creative and talented artists. One that stands out for the quality of his work in this field is Gotfried Roemer.

Details on the man himself are sparse - his website is devoted to his imagery; online information otherwise is limited to that of the galleries that represent him.

In many ways Gotfried allows his work to speak on his behalf.

About the Artist

Gotfried describes his works as a synthesis of paintings and photos as following.

My Photographs are created in (e)motion: Intentional camera movement while taking the photos.
They appear like paintings... that´s why I call them
painto: painting + photo.

From Agora Gallery

Upon first glance, Gottfried Roemer’s works appear as nearly abstract, impressionistic paintings. Roemer’s process is at once unique and reminiscent of the early impressionist art movement; by experimenting with motion techniques through the exposure process of photography, the artist seamlessly captures a poignant sense of immediacy in both light and color within his works. The movement of his lens throughout the artist’s exposure process renders blurred yet elegant swaths of color that outline impressions of shapes rather than their actual forms.

Source of inspiration

Images that I find most appealing in general are those that capture the soul of a subject, often by stripping away detail and allowing the essence of the subject to paint a picture. Gotfried’s work exhibits these criteria in abundance, crafting each image with his own distinct style.

This is especially true of his work with the female form, creating timeless works that express beauty and display a critical understanding of the subject.

I find Gotfried’s images extremely well architected. Balancing color and composition he often incorporates camera movement with subject motion to create such captivating abstracts.

Artist showcase

Gotfried’s work can be found on his website, and at various galleries that represent him.

Here is a sample of my favorites for immediate viewing.

Alan Brown

Photographer from Burlington, Vermont, USA

snowstorm challenge


moving beyond the thirds