icm hosta study

I have long been drawn to the beauty of Hosta plants. With large, variegated leaves unfurling to herald the coming of Spring, their commanding form calls attention to any garden. Capturing the character of these foliage plants has always proved a challenge, with disappointment outweighing my few successes.

This year I have tried a different route, rather than struggle with compositions that capture the textured leaf structure I set myself a goal of creating images that display a more ethereal vibe, whilst retaining the essence of the natural character.

The following images were accomplished using a softer focus to smooth harsh edges, along with controlled camera movement to further diminish detail. Camera direction largely followed the main structural elements of the leaves, those being the main spine and sweeping curvature of leaf edges.

I am really pleased that the results have met my intended goals and feel motivated to experiment more with this and other foliage plants.

Alan Brown

Photographer from Burlington, Vermont, USA


seeing your vision


a first look at the new Photoshop Generative Fill feature