defining the new ICM

Early days

A picture is the expression of an impression. If the beautiful were not in us, how would we ever recognize it?
— Ernst Haas

ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) describes a photographic technique with roots entrenched in the mid 20th century, as pioneers such as Ernst Haas began marrying camera movement with longer exposures. Progression of the technique from those early attempts would prove to be slow, hindered by the practicalities of celluloid film.

The creative possibilities awarded to ICM hit a turning point upon the introduction of the digital camera. With the advent of inexpensive storage and ability to view immediate results the photographer was now allowed the freedom to experiment.

seascape capture using a traditional ICM horizontal pan


Driven by increasing interest and scope to explore, a new generation of creatives have progressed the ICM craft well beyond traditional techniques. These artists continue to develop more camera actions and processing methods, the result of which is a category of photography that has become increasingly expansive, and difficult to define.

A multi-exposure example with images blended to create an impressionistic effect

Unlike other genres which have clear boundaries (such as black & white, landscape), ICM results now encompass an array of differing but distinct styles, borne as a direct result of exploration.

Today’s ICM artists increasingly view the camera as a paintbrush, evolving their breadth of work and making it increasingly difficult to keep abreast of techniques employed.

Where once defined by a single camera movement, current techniques may include combinations of complex multi-motion movements, multiple-exposure blends, in addition to the more traditional methods.  

I feel the addition of evolved methods (and lack of information surrounding) now leave the traditional ICM definition lacking and in need of review. 

Moving forward

ICM continues to be one of the most mysterious areas of photography in use today. With a growing range of styles and methods there lies a corresponding need for instruction, the extent of which remains inadequate.

Following my own frustration, I took on a task some time ago of collating and organizing what information I could find to develop my own view of the current ICM landscape. This is a document I maintain and share (via the button below) to help others that may have a similar desire for knowledge.

Moving forward I am hopeful that a respected entity takes on the task of defining the scope of ICM, perhaps including instruction on the range of progressive techniques.

What are your own thoughts on this? Do you find ICM confusing and in need of clarification?


Life in the forest - an experimental image taken from a fast moving car

Alan Brown

Photographer from Burlington, Vermont, USA

is Instagram the fast food chain of the art world?


Considerate Camera Movement